... the word "tax" is not always bad. ...

... the word "tax" is not always bad.

I suggest you read this opionion piece in the Fort Collins Coloradoan of March 9, 2011
They are the words of John Knezovich who calls himself a moderate Republican.
I'm not sure if John would agree, but I would call this well-written essay a plea for sanity and responsibility. Nearing the end of his plea Knezovich says simply this:

Most urgently, Republicans need to grasp that the word "tax" is not always bad. There are many governmental programs and services which benefit all of society. Where would we be without public safety, roads, schools, libraries, hospitals and social services?

Yes, taxes are integral to civilization, and I dare say: "civility."
Thanks, John. I want to spread your word; then we can fight well over the details!

1 comment:

Mary H said...

Having read through most of your blog my comments are that we do live in abundance and the politics/economics of abundance have been strangled by the few (who fear abundance in the so called teeming masses)...what can one think when we hear there just isn't enough money (trust) to go around when the few can & will pay $2.7m for a 30 sec Superbowl TV ad, when it costs $350k (average) to produce a 30 sec commercial, when the now discredited Charlie Sheen made $1.5m an episode (he could afford discreditation) don't tell me there isn't enough money in our economy, we just can't trust we'll have enough of it to pay the cable bill. Thanks for your thoughts; I appreciate someone who can wrap words around my vulnerability, anger, helplessness, and misplaced trust in false gods.
Mary Harnett, despite all paint on!