15. Capture, Distribute, And Recirculate Wealth

Capture, Distribute, and Recirculate Wealth
Bob Komives

I divide wealth development into three processes that interconnect in an evolving spiral. The three processes are: capture, distribution, and recirculation. The following diagrams help me see how wealth of biosphere and its parts can grow. Among the casualties of simplicity, I ignore backward steps such as death and disorganization.

I will describe these diagrams as starting at the origin of the biosphere, but, with simple changes in vocabulary, they could start today and look at one person, a tidal pond, a human community, an ant hill, a business, or a watershed. As the diagrams progress, more energy of the universe serves life, and life becomes more complex.

The number of creatures increased tenfold between diagrams 8 and 12. The amount of energy in the biosphere increased more than tenfold because energy captured from the universe gets distributed and recirculated before leaving the biosphere at a rate somewhat slower than it enters.

:: Bob Komives, Fort Collins © 2006 :: Plum Local IV :: 14. Capture, Distribute And Recirculate Wealth ::
With attribution these words may be freely shared, but permission
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