39. Six Acts for Love of Wealth and Biosphere

Six Acts for Love of Wealth and Biosphere

Bob Komives

Capture broadly-
as leaf captures sun,
mill captures wind,
and gatherer gathers grain.

Distribute deeply-
as leaf sends oxygen,
mill delivers flour,
and parent feeds child
that teacher educates.

Recirculate densely-
as we bake for our miller,
who rewards our harvester,
who buries our excess
to reward the roots
who will feed new leaves.
to nourish grains of life.
Capture Broadly

Aid one another:

in capture,
in distribution,
in recirculation.

Mitochondrion helps newborn.
Child helps family.
Family helps village.
Village enhances ecosystem,
In the best of worlds,
all enhance our biosphere.

As organisms grow wealth grows with them; communities and ecosystems grow. As organisms die wealth dies with them; species, nations, cultures disappear. We can consciously participate in disappearance or its prevention. Looking inward, we of this village and we of this species can capture, distribute and recirculate our wealth. Looking outward, we can aid biosphere and its parts to capture, distribute and recirculate their wealth --our wealth. We can act for love of our wealth while we act for love of our biosphere.

You of leg,
you of twig,
and you, of course, bacterium,
huddle broadly,

Please capture geotherm and passing sun.
Please distribute.
Please recirculate.

For love of wealth
and of biosphere one,
huddle densely,
you of wing,
you of wheel,
and you, of course, bacterium.

Quick Note To Roommates

:: Bob Komives, Fort Collins
© 2006 :: Plum Local IV :: 39.Six Acts for Love of Wealth and Biosphere ::
With attribution these words may be freely shared, but permission
is required if quoted in an item for sale or rent


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