79. In the Tradition of Delegation

Plum Local IV ::: Part V
Community Finance

== chapters 79 - 85 ==
=== look to right column for direct links to chapters ===

79. In the Tradition of Delegation
Bob Komives

The United States of America delegate power to themselves (a tradition) and to private enterprise (another tradition). After a National Aeronautics and Space Administration took the first USA astronauts to the moon this nation of market-oriented states looked for ways to delegate some space exploration to private companies. Why not also delegate to state and local governments? The Missouri Space Administration and The Cleveland Interplanetary Agency might diversify our approach to space —under national and international guidance. Similarly, state academies of science could take responsibility for much of the scientific investment now directed by our National Academy Of Science.

Such more-local entities would be no more threat to national sovereignty than are state and local health, highway, and police departments, or local school districts. Perhaps we do not consider community-based space and science agencies because they are bad ideas. I suspect, however, we would stop long before considering the merit of such proposals. Even though such proposals follow our tradition of delegation, I suspect that we ignore them because we assume that such large, community-based investments are not affordable. For the time being, they are not.

:: Bob Komives, Fort Collins © 2006 :: Plum Local IV :: 79.  In the Tradition of Delegation  ::
With attribution these words may be freely shared, but permission
is required if quoted in an item for sale or rent


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