92. Let It Comfort Humankind.

Plum Local IV


Let It Comfort Humankind.
Bob Komives

We know.
We know we know the answers.
What to do.
And why.
We know we know.
The false.
The true.
The tried.
are the questions,
and fewer
the answers we cannot grasp.
And at these few
we know to wonder.
Indeed, this is life gifted full:
to know what we know,
yet know how to wonder,
Yet, fuller still in our discovery:
they know,
and they wonder too.

and they.
and wonder.
Path to peace!
To human perfection?
This path remains our dream.
And we must know that we know why.
And we must permit ourselves to wonder
how future binds to history.

Today, again:
at which we wonder, they know;
at which we know, they wonder.
At Which We Know, They Wonder.
My version of economics will not make everything right. No version, no matter how good, will be permanent. We are cursed and blessed by an imperfect evolution. Yet, I believe that if we build a science of economics on principles of abundance we will participate more productively in our evolution. From a viewpoint prejudiced by my species, I say that human evolution has been more good than bad. I say this comfortably, but not too comfortably.

We learn from failure, successes.
We also unlearn.

    millions of years,
    billions of successes,
    a grand experiment,
    high-class guest,
    then biosphere forgot how to make them.
    new guest,
    still learning,
    biosphere has just begun our experiment.

Among those
who survived yesterday,
but not all,
are fit.
Among those that did not survive,
but not all,
are unfit.
Who will survive until tomorrow?

Countless blunders in the biosphere today.
Some who blundered,
some who innocently stood by,
caught by biospheric justice
—executed before tomorrow.

Let it scare humankind;
again our capacity to blunder rose today.
Let it comfort humankind;
again rose our capacity to understand,
what survives today until tomorrow.
Experiment Just Begun

Into this comforting rise of capacity I publish this work.

:: Bob Komives, Fort Collins © 2007 :: Plum Local IV :: 92. Let It Comfort Humankind ::
With attribution these words may be freely shared, but permission
is required if quoted in an item for sale or rent


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